

2016 Annual General Meeting

LAWSL President Ada Edwards has scheduled the Annual General Meeting for Sunday, November 27, 2016 at the BMO Centre, located at 295 Rectory Street in London. The meeting will be held in the Large Conference Room on the second floor.

The doors will open at 10:00 am. Register and bring a copy (proof of your registration) with you.  The meeting itself will commence at 10:30 am with roll call.

Find attached a copy of the Minutes from the 2015 Annual General Meeting for your review.

Articles 5-7 of the LAWSL Constitution, located on our website, set out member's obligations.

10(b) of the Published Rules, Fines and Bonds, LAWSL Constitution, provides that any club or team not represented at the Annual General Meeting may be fined.  If you are unable to attend the AGM, please arrange for an alternate representative
to attend in your place.

Kim Johnson
LAWSL Secretary

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