

Mandatory Coaches Meeting / Scheduling meeting

We wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming Coaches Meeting Sunday, March 26th, 2017 at the Hellenic Centre, South room, (133 Southdale Rd., London), at 11 am - South room!

As far as the schedule goes, please have a good look at your team's schedule as there have been a number of adjustments to the schedules on the site due to field conflicts, please check it your teams have been affected.
We also wanted remind everyone to activate your teams. There are a number of teams yet to be activated and that means if the opposing team tries to reach you they aren't able to do so, because we don't have your contact information on the site. 
Activate your team
Please make sure to activate at least two (2) team contacts on the site.  It is critical that we have two team contacts so we can reach both people in case one is not available.  

For any other assistance regarding managing your team on the site try using the coaches web site manual.

Board of Directors

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